WASH-Connect – New washers & dryers

Villa La Jolla has contracted with Wash to install new washers, dryers, and a new card machine for the community the week of April 25th. Residents will be able to pay two ways one through the card machine or through the Wash -Connect app which makes it easy for residents to pay for laundry right from their phones.

The current laundry cards residents have will not work with the new kiosk machine. The Association will not be reimbursing any money that you have left on your current laundry card so please make sure you use any money that you have left on your current card before April 25th

Recycling Contamination

Villa La Jolla Residents,

Over the past month the Association has been getting charged for contamination fee’s for the recycling bins. We ask that you don’t throw away trash, food items, and plastic bags. Please see attached what items are not allowed to be thrown away into the recycling bins. We ask that you please follow this and keep the recycling bins for recycled items only.

Recycling Flyer

Thank You,
Brandon Surdock
General Manager
Villa La Jolla

2019 Election Results


On July 10, 2019, the annual election for the Villa La Jolla Condominium Association was conducted. On behalf of the Board of Directors, Management would like to thank those of you who participated. This year there were three (3) seats available; each for a two (2) year term.

Congratulations to the following individuals elected to serve as Directors:

  • Dana Maffeo – Term Expires June 2021 – Number of Votes Received 160
  • Patricia Zimmer – Term Expires June 2021 – Number of Votes Received 93
  • Pamela Holmes – Term Expires June 2021 – Number of votes Received 82

The following individual was not elected to serve as a Director:

  • Kristina Siegert – Number of Votes Received 77

The Board of Directors will be seated at the next General Session Board of Directors meeting.

In regards to the IRS Revenue Ruling 70-604 results, of the 144 members represented in person or by ballot, eighty-seven (87) members voted in favor of applying excess income to the following year’s assessments, two (2) members voted against, twenty-two (22) abstained.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at (858) 455-7824.